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Benefits of Lulu Life Shea Butter
Lulu Life Shea Butter is a natural botanical oil derived from the nuts of the vitellaria nilotica, a forest tree found in Africa only. In Sudan it is called lulu, Arabic for the treasured pearl. Shea Butter is the most potent healing butter which helps restore skin tone and provides a protective barrier to lock in moisture.
Shea oil, which hardens into a butter consistency at room temperature, has an array of benefits and uses, but is primarily revered for its healing and soothing properties for skin and hair. Rich in vitamins A + E and anti-oxidants, shea butter is used in the most elegant international hair and skincare products, even a tiny fraction of lulu in the ingredients adds great value to any cosmetic product. Recent research concludes that, due to its unique fatty-acid composition, shea butter actually contributes to cellular growth and cell regeneration, leading to faster healing and younger looking skin. It is easily and quickly absorbed by the skin, making it an excellent carrier for nutrients found in the oil.
But not all shea butter is the same: because the therapeutic ingredients are sensitive to heat, only shea butter like the Sudanese Lulu Life - which is cold processed - contains the highest levels of these healing properties. Our Lulu Life shea butter is much softer than the West African one (from the dark paradoxa nuts) which you will notice when applying it.
All Lulu Life products are made by the women of Lulu Works, a women-cooperative from South Sudan.
About 'Lulu Works'
“Building a Future for the Women of Sudan”
Over the past century, the secrets of the lulu shea nut have been unearthed and passed down by Sudanese women, the traditional guardians of the lulu tree. The women share a symbiotic relationship with this life-giving tree, eating the fruit, processing the nuts into oil and enjoying the tree's cool shade. The nutritious oil was particularly important during Sudan's civil war and is still a main source of food security during the yearly dry season.
The Lulu Livelihoods program was founded in 2000 by the French non-government organization MEDIC (Medical Emergency and Development International Committee) in response to rampant hunger and need in conflict torn Sudan. Lulu Works is a non-profit trust established to provide a suitable revenue for the woman of south Sudan. Comprising 40 women-owned-and operated shea butter processing centres. Building on the traditional role of Sudanese woman as both the producers of Lulu oil and the guardians of the Lulu tree, the company provides a sustainable livelihood for these women and affords a better life for their families.
In addition to the above Sudanese centres there are 2 ‘Lulu Works’ offices in Kenya: Nakuru and Nairobi, arranging exports and transportation to the USA and Switzerland.
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Sköna träningstoppar - det som finns där sitter där det sitter ; )
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Hepp Hepp..........
Axlar e KUL!!!!
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Kategori: Allmänt
Mmmm massage - JA så skulle jag väl yttra mig i vanliga fall men inte idag inte....
FY F*N alltså - höjde min smärtgräns ett par snäpp nu i eftermiddag - allt för att mina muskler o nacke ska må bra : )
Blev en 30-40min massage hos en kollega.
Du är GRYM P.
Någon som behöver sig en redig omgång så hojta till, jag vet vart hon finns : ) ...
...idag med sin armbåge över hela min rygg - YAHOOOTCH!!!!
Ska försöka se till att detta blir mer regelbundet sedan hon sa att detta bara var början. Tror att det är viktigt att man kommer ner i musklerna på djupet ibland när man kör tung styrketräning - trycka ut alla slaggprodukter.