Ystad Cruising and BBQ in Sabinas garden <3
Hi everyone!
Japp now in english so its really EVERYONE!
The weekend is left behind us and i dont know, mine went just like that. Came home the night between Friday and Saturday and on Saturday i didnt do much at all during the day - just tried to mentaly come back to Sweden again, haha. In the evening i ended up in Ystad - Ofcourse on their yearly Cruising. Nice american cars all over the place, but waooo - it was freezing cold.
Yesterday - Sunday i actually spended the morning in the house just relaxing. In early afternoon i picked my lovely sis and her dog up at the trainstation and we went for a small visit to IKEA. Had to buy her some pillows for the pillow-covers i bought for her at ONE WAY - Kikoy Wear in Nairobi.
Wonderful to see her again - ive missed her.
After that we went to buy some meat and then off to my BEST friend Sabinas place for BBQ.
Ofcourse i was in charge ; ))
Everyone enjoyed the sun - humans as dogs <3
Sabinas Chiino.
Beautiful sis and Me.
The Nyma Choma is on.
Bloggadress: http://appelback.blogspot.se