
Chiropractor appointment & Running against darkness.


Another Monday - second week at home - why do time always run so fast over here.
Do we forget to appreciate time and life?
Been at work the whole day and had one PT client after that then i went to town. Had an appointmednt with my chiropractor to get rid of the pain in my neck. During the days im quite okey but during night im not sleeping well and in the mornings i wake up with pain - it came back during the bus-trip from hell from Nairobi to Lamu - haha 8 + 8 hours and only 2 hours in between - Yaaaooocchhh.
Ofcourse he managed to fix it but now i need to see my massage therapist to let him do some trigger point massage to easen up the stiff muscles. Luckily i got an appointment already on Thirsday - im soooooo HAPPY i got these guys : ) You are the best.
Zsolt and Laszlo if you read this - i need a bigger logotype ; )) Cant get it bigger then this : (
I spent the evening in the house did some administration work for the company and ended the working day at Hälsopunkten for a consultation with a new PT client ; ) I see big potential in that girl so im looking forward to a exciting journey together with her : )
Ended my day and my restless mind with a run - Japp u read it right - i went out RUNNING : /
Haha not really what i use to do but with all these confusing thoughts in my mind and heavy heartbeats trough out the day i think i just had to ; )
Im not use to these light evenings yet - in Kenya it gets dark at around 19.00 every day and right now in south Sweden the darkness hits the ground at around 22.00 - not strange at all that i cant sleep.
Just love the yellow fields of Colza <3
Ah aha can u see those wrinkles around the eyes - thats my 27th birthday taking out its rights ; ))
Some EGO pics on my legs.
Right now my legs and my bum are my biggest "smallest" complex - i need them to grow bigger and bigger <3
On the pics it doesnt looks that bad after all - but u know its all about the angles ; )
Yeah yeah Rehab Rehab and after that WATCH ME!!!!
Will keep focus on my upper body till my knees are okey - then ill do Squats 7 days a week ; )
I miss you <3


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    2013-05-21 | 08:43:06

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