
Weekend with a hint of YOGA.


I had a great weekend - how about you?
OK it started of quite depressing on Friday when it turned out to be a super evening with warm sunny weather and i had NO plans - were just sitting in the apartment doing nothing - missing his company : (
BUT it turned out nicely in the end.....
I have continued eating my greek yoghurt in the mornings. Put som pecan nuts and some honey - YUMMIE YUM.
On suturday noon I drove to Malmö to do my workout over there with dearest Jess at the gym "Muscle Zone" : )
Shoulders were up next. 
After a nice workout we went for lunch at a Sushi Restaurant "Slimfood" at the mal Mobilia. Been a while since I ate sushi - nice : ) We talked about the much caroteen they had coloured it with? Haha - yerk. Do you ever think about the food you eat - if its clean and natural? YOU SHOULD!
We sat outside and the sun was burning hot - I like - Summer is finally here.
Ive planned to join the BAOBAB Festival (a yearly African festival) at the park in the afternoon but because of the rain that pored down the whole evening there to come I decided to go to mums place for a coffee instead.
In the evening me and T impulsively drove to Ystad to eat out.
Hmmm...when we finally arrived there we were so hungry while trying to find a place we havent been to that we just went to the same same place we normaly go to when we want a pizza else where than Skurup
- Pizzeria Regementet : /
Not so fancy but at least we were dressed - and by dressed i mean something else then training clothes ; ).
Started the day at my Grandpahs Birthday Party - he is turning 86 <3
Ready to grab a piece of cake.
I havent seen him for a very long time so it as kind of heart warming to see him smiling and laughing around the table today.
Today i didnt join the gym cause i saved all my energy to this evenings YOGA class at "House of Samuraj" in Lund by "Motivation för Hälsa" (You find her on Facebook at that last name) 
Ive decided to start Yoga cause of my stiff muscles - i have some problems with neck and knees and i think they both come from tight muscles in different places in my body - when you do alot of heavy weights its imoprtant to give the muscles a chance to relax.
I also do it to relax my restless soul a bit : ) 
I have always thoght its something for me but the right time to start hasnt showned until today.
So from now on i will attend the YOGA class every Sunday - Im so happy to have decided to give myself that treat.
A big THANX to Jess for a great class today and for the amazing instructor she is <3
Im already looking forward to the next Yoga class.
OK its Sunday again and im still up writing my blog at 01.08 pm and listening to Relaxation music at Spotify - not very good when i have to wake up at 04.45 in the morning to go to work ; ) Yeah yeah however i try i dont think ill ever succeed going to bed early on a Sunday evening : )
Take care of yourselfs and the ones that you love and have a great week!
/Coach ; )


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